Royal Labyrinth Company

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The Royal Labyrinth Company is the former company that held a royal monopoly on Labyrinth operations.

Established mid-1801, when the Crown realized the potential of the Labyrinth and started to worry about the increasing numbers of Professionals entering the Labyrinth. The royal monopoly was established, and the legal requirement of all Professionals to be employees of the company promulgated. The Company's headquarters started to manage all operations, with a principal focus on establishing commercially viable operations at a time where the other Great Gates' Labyrinth access was thought to be a completely different realm rather than a different location within the same network.

The sheer amount of wealth flowing from the Labyrinth started to cause concerns by the House of Lords after a while, but as the need for military-grade materials for the never-ending conflict with the French Hegemony meant that nobody gathered the political clout to break that monopoly. It was not until a number of highly-placed managers started to embezzle money and divert Labyrinth resources that a scandal blew up in 1814. The resulting house-cleaning last for months before the House of the Lords finally pushed the Act of Labyrinth Use, dissolving the Royal Labyrinth Company, and replacing it with an open field of companies, with the only restriction being that those companies have to be owned by nobles.

Note: The mismanagement and heavy-handed handling of Professional affairs by the Royal Labyrinth Company is generally thought to be the cause of the lower proportion of tier six and lack of tier seven Professionals in the UK.